
Scripture Notes

These are notes written in longhand in a wirebound notebook. It is unknown at this time if these are original thoughts or gleanings from other writers.


Chp. 4-6
v. 6-7
Solomon is still sharing wisdom from himself and God to the people but when he looked again at the situation and the people he saw vanity everywhere. There is one person all by himself and so busy, there isn't enough time in the day for what he himself wants out of life, he has responsibilities, yet he labors to gain and wants all his eyes see and is never satisfied with all his riches and realizes this all is vanity.
v. 8-16
Two people are better together than one for when they work together it pays off. They get rewarded. If one falls the other one will be there to pick them up. But woe to him that is alone because here is no one there to help him up. Also if two sleep together they will keep each other warm, and if he gets in a fight and the other is over-powering him then with another to help he gets support. It's better for a poor but wise child than an old foolish king who won't listen to admonishment. I considered all the people that are alive and moving on the earth and have a brother to protect him. There is so many people there is no end of them. They shall not be happy with the foolish king, this is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Chp. 5
v. 1-2
Be cautious and make a wise choice of where you attend a church, make sure you are worshiping where the truth is being preached and then support it. Don't ever put your foot inside the door of a liberal church. Solomon is warning the people of God to not make any quick decision under pressure, whether it be religious or anything else.
v. 3-4
Be careful how much you talk you will show yourself to be a fool. There are a lot of things being said in church that should not be said. When you promise God something you're going to do or be, keep that promise. He will hold you to it.
v. 5-6
It is better not to make a promise to God especially and not keep it. We are dealing with a living God, and he hears our promises (vows). We need to be very careful what we promise to God.
v. 7-8
As for dreams, Solomon says and speaking many things, these are vanities, they are emptiness. There is no substitute for a personal relation with God. Truly oppression can cause a man, a wise man to go out of his mind. Don't take a gift or a bribe, for it will cause our heart to puff up. It is better when you have finished the task for you can see what you have accomplished and being patient to the end. Don't be impatient in your spirit and be angry not, for this is the way fools respond. Don't say, what make the past better than these days, for you don't know what you are talking about if you see the poor being oppressed and violence disrupting, making a wise discussion. Don't be surprised for God who is in control sees it all and He will solve the matter.
V. 9-10
Beside that the profit from the earth is for all to enjoy, even the king shall benefit from it. He that loves money shall not be content with it. Also it is true with the all that we gain it also is vanity.

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